Everyone loses hair every single day. It’s a normal part of the hair growth process. Your hair follicles cycle through phases of active growth, shedding, and resting and then back to active growth again. It’s normal to lose about 50-100 hairs every day as a part of this process. Losing hair does not become a problem until the loss exceeds this amount and/or too many follicles stay in the resting phase for too long. It’s then that hair begins to thin, and if you are male you could start to notice this happening as early as your 20s.
Noticing your hair thinning at 20 can be a rather stressful and difficult thing to cope with. Thinning hair and baldness are typically associated with middle age, so young men can be shocked to discover it starting to happen to them so young. But the good news is that the sooner thinning hair is detected, the more successful the treatment to restore your hair will be. So what are the early warning signs that young men should begin watching for after they turn 20? Let’s take a look at them now.
More Hair In the Sink
The first thing that you may notice is more hair in your sink or shower drain when you wash or more hair in your hairbrush or on your pillowcase. This can be very subtle at first and may go unnoticed until a little later in the thinning process. However, if you feel like you’re shedding more hair than you used to it may be time to consult a hair loss specialist to determine if your loss is truly excessive.
Gradually Thinning Strands
Another thing you may notice is that your hair doesn’t feel as thick as it once did. You might feel like you’re washing less hair and need less shampoo. Male pattern baldness typically begins around the temples and at the crown area, so you may start to notice a little more scalp showing through. Noticing this thinning sooner rather than later and seeking professional treatment right away gives you a better chance of slowing or even reversing this process.
Hairline Receding
Another common sign of hair loss in your 20s is your hairline receding. You probably won’t even notice it at first, but as your hairline recedes a millimeter at a time you’ll start to realize that your forehead looks bigger than usual, and even though this may not seem like a big deal at first if you leave it unchecked it will eventually progress into a big M shape pattern across the top of your head.
Hair Doesn’t Hold Its Style Anymore
If you notice that your hair is not holding its style like it used to, you may need to speak with a hair loss professional. If too much hair is lost it will cause your hair to sit differently due to lack of volume. This could result in your style falling flat.
Crown Seems Sparse If more scalp is visible through your hair at the crown than there was before, you’re definitely experiencing hair loss. This is one of the top signs of hair loss in your 20s. Don’t wait until you have bald patches to seek treatment.
Your Scalp Starts to Sunburn
If you find that your scalp seems to be more sensitive and prone to sunburn recently, you may be losing more than your fair share of hair. Excessive hair loss and thinning leave your scalp unprotected and vulnerable to sunburn.
Thinning hair at 20 something isn’t normal, but it is more common than most people realize. Around 25% of men with hereditary male pattern baldness have some signs of thinning hair by the age of 21. It’s important to recognize these signs early so that you will have the most effective treatment options available to you. Your options may become more limited as your hair loss progresses.
The good news is that thinning hair is treatable, and if you catch it early and invest in effective hair loss solutions such as PRP or Laser hair loss treatments, your hair loss can be stopped and even reversed. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) hair loss treatments use your own blood to stimulate the healing of the hair follicles and encourage new growth. A sample of your blood is processed to separate the platelets and plasma. The platelets are concentrated and injected into the scalp in the areas that are thinning. This treatment is very effective in the beginning stages of hair loss.
Low-Level Laser Light Therapy utilizes laser light energy to stimulate the follicles of the scalp. A specialized laser light device is used to stimulate the hair follicles, wake them from their resting phase, and promote healthy hair regrowth. This treatment is also most effective during the early stages of hair loss.
If you are experiencing any of the early signs of hair loss contact the hair loss professionals at the Hair Restoration Institute right away. Consulting with our hair loss professionals is the first step in determining the hair recovery plan. We will perform a full assessment of the degree of your hair loss and develop a customized treatment plan to stop the loss from progressing and restore your hair to its former glory. You can find us at 1201 West Lancaster Avenue in Fort Worth, Texas, or call 817-854-HAIR (4247) for a complimentary consultation.